Unlike nuclear weapons, which were too risky to use given the certainty of overwhelming retaliation, cyber attacks are low risk. Deterrence does not work on anonymous foes. 由于肯定会遭到全面报复,核武器过于危险,因此不宜使用。与核武器不同的是,网络攻击的风险较低,威慑也无法对匿名的敌人起作用。
Much of the argument is about the nature of nuclear deterrence. 相关争论的很大一部分是关于核威慑的性质。
So when it publishes the number of its nuclear warheads, that is a strategy of deterrence. 因此,当美国公布核弹头数时,那是一种战略威慑手段。
But, I set the game in the South American ( sic) country of Costa Rica and created a story with themes about nuclear deterrence and the cold war. 但是,我把游戏设定在南美国家里的哥斯达黎加。而故事是关于核危机和冷战。
That is the great paradox of nuclear deterrence: if you don't have it and dream of a nuclear weapon free world, there actually may be a hot war. 核威慑的悖论是:如果你没有核武器,或者假想这是一个无核世界,那么热战就不可避免。
Nuclear deterrence is the strategy that America and Russia used to adopt in the cold war while it is strengthened again by Russia today. 核威慑是冷战时期美苏两国常用的战略方法,冷战后的今天,核威慑重新在俄国得到强化。
If there is a regime anywhere that might just defy the normal logic of nuclear deterrence, it is North Korea. 如果说有哪个政权有可能偏偏违反核威慑的正常逻辑,那就是朝鲜。
China's limited nuclear counterattack ability is entirely for deterrence against possible nuclear attacks by other countries. 中国保持有限的核反击力量,是为了遏制他国对中国可能的核攻击。
The European allies were reluctant to downgrade the nuclear dement in deterrence. 欧洲盟国不愿意降低部队的核威慑力量。
Specialists in nuclear deterrence occupy a world that requires the coldly rational contemplation of completely insane courses of action. 核威慑专家所处的,是一个需要对完全疯狂的行为进行冷静理性思考的世界。
That way, nuclear deterrence would be maintained-while reducing the risk of tragic accidents. 如此一来,核威慑将得以保持,同时降低了发生悲剧性事件的风险。
But, every now and then, nuclear deterrence becomes a subject of wide public concern. 然而,核威慑却时常成为公众广泛关注的话题。
What do we mean when we speak of nuclear deterrence? 我们所说的核威慑作用指的是什么?
But nuclear deterrence depends on the rational contemplation of acts that are objectively insane up to and including the destruction of the whole world. 但是,核威慑取决于对客观上来说疯狂透顶的行为最极致的表现是毁灭整个世界的理性思考。
Finally, using static and dynamic analysis methods it numerically simulates and analyzes the results of nuclear deterrence validity in different conflict scenarios. 四是用静态和动态分析方法针对对抗双方在一定的核能力、不同的对抗模式下的核威慑有效性进行了数值模拟分析。
The Role of Nuclear Deterrence: A Kantian Perspective 核威慑的作用:一种康德式的观点
Part Two expounds American exertion of nuclear deterrence to China during the Korean War. 第二部分阐述两次台海危机中,美国多次对中国实施核讹诈,反而坚定了中国发展自己核力量的决心。
On the base of discussing the concept and meaning of nuclear deterrence, by analyzing the relative factors of nuclear deterrence, combining with the qualitative analysis, a quantitative model for nuclear deterrence is set up. 在论述核威慑的本质含义基础上,通过分析核威慑的相关因素,结合定性分析,给出了核威慑的一种定量分析模型;
Meanwhile, the crisis also revealed the limit to US-China confrontation and brought out the nature of America's "brinkmanship" policy and "nuclear deterrence" strategy. 同时,这次危机也表明了中美对抗的限度,揭示了美国战争边缘政策和核威慑战略的本质。
When the strategy of nuclear deterrence was put into practice, it was logical that Soviet Union deployed medium-range missiles with nuclear weapons in Cuba. 当这种核威慑战略应用到实践上时,在古巴部署可携带核武器的中远程导弹也就是顺理成章的事情了。
This dissertation is a strategic research on Indian nuclear issue. Realism is the dominant analytical paradigm in the field of strategic study, and nuclear deterrence theory is the principal analytical tool for nuclear strategic study. 现实主义是战略研究中居主导地位的分析范式,核威慑理论则是研究核战略的主要分析工具。
Because this treaty limits the deployment of missile defense system of two sides and intends to maintain a balance of nuclear terror. Therefore, nuclear deterrence can be effectively utilized and head-on collision of two nuclear powers can be avoided. 因为该条约限制双方部署反导系统,意在保持一种核恐怖平衡,从而有效发挥核威慑作用、避免两个核大国迎头相撞。
Nuclear deterrence is a defense theory of post-war western world, and also a strategic choice. 核威慑既是战后西方的一种防务理论,又是一种战略选择。
In the foreseeable future, UK and France will insist that the two countries should have their own nuclear weapons, insist on their separate nuclear deterrence strategies. 在可以预见的未来,英、法两国将仍然坚持拥有核武器,坚持其各自的核威慑战略。
With nuclear learning theory developed by Joseph Nye as theoretical basis, this chapter analyzes the stability of India-Pakistan nuclear deterrence. 本文首先运用了约瑟夫·奈提出的核学习理论来分析印巴核威慑关系的稳定性。
Pakistani strategists are deeply concerned that Indo-US civil nuclear deal would feed supernumerary Uranium to Indian nuclear weapon program and debilitate the existing deterrence. 而印美民用核交易将会为印度的核武器项目提供额外的铀原料,这会削弱南亚现存的威慑力,巴基斯坦的战略家对此深表担忧。
Information warfare is a form of war that two warring military use information as the main combat force in the land of sea, air, space and electricity and to inclused the multi-dimensional military integration war under the conditions of nuclear deterrence. 信息化战争是指在信息时代核威慑条件下,交战双方以信息化军队为主要作战力量,在陆、海、空、天、电等全维空间展开的多军兵种一体化的战争。
On the basis of realistic logic, India takes China and Pakistan as the chief targets of its nuclear deterrence. Therefore, the study on Indian nuclear strategy can not go without paradigm of realism and the theory of nuclear deterrence. 印度从现实主义的逻辑出发,主要以中国和巴基斯坦为威慑对象来发展它的核战略,因此,对印度核战略的研究同样离不开现实主义分析范式以及核威慑理论这一分析工具。